Sunday, February 1, 2009

Two Sick Kids

Can't you just see the pain in Ashlyn's eyes? And Caelan's nose needs continous wiping. Both are pretty miserable.


Shaun and Holly said...

Oh they look so miserable!!! I pray they are feeling better soon!!!


Jen said...

They do look pretty miserable :( I know how they feel - we have all been sick for over a week now. Hope you guys all feel better soon:)

lewis fam said...

Oh no...the pictures do show how awful they are feeling. Poor things. We will say extra prayers for feeling better speedily!!!!!

Aimee said...

Oh no! Natalie got a cold too last month that turned into an bacterial infection so she's on antibiotics. No fun at all! It truly is amazing how their little noses can be SOOO runny. Hope everyone is better real soon.

Anonymous said...

Hope the twins are feeling much better by now and that the rest of you have managed to escape getting sick.
Love & prayers, G.U.Lloyd & G.A.Ann