Friday, November 9, 2007

Good news, bad news

The good news - Caelan has had his first bottle of milk and he did very well with it!

The bad news - after weeks of asking when I can start feeding my babies, somebody went ahead and fed him his first bottle of milk without consulting me first. I was really hoping that it would have been ME to give him his first "taste". I wasn't there to witness it and am more than frustrated at the lack of communication to us as parents.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so sorry for that Mars. Robin

Shaun and Holly said...

Oh Mars!! I am going to pray about this...May the communication lines improve!

Jen said...

I'm sorry Mars that their communication is not that great with you - hopefully they have realized this! That mother's guilt of not being the first one to do things for your kids can be almost nauseating. I really hope you get many, many more firsts!!!
Love, Jen

Anonymous said...

Oooh, that's a bad one! I'm so sorry that this happened Marsalie - some things are so important, and some actions are so very un-do-able, crappy! Hopefully further communitcation(s) will improve, I'm hopeful.

Anonymous said...

i'm so sorry Marsalie :( ugh... i would expect better too...
